Important Dates & Deadlines
General Track
Submission of Papers: Extended! 25 April 2014Notification of Acceptance: 16 May 2014
Invited Sessions
Submission of Proposals for Invited Sessions / Workshops:New proposals still considered
Submission of Papers: Session Chair sets Deadlines
Notification of Acceptance: Session Chair Sets Deadlines
All Papers
Upload of Files for Programme and Pre-Proceedings* alsoAuthors Registration Deadline: 30 May 2014
* Pre-Proceedings: A copy of conference papers on USB drive will be given to all delegates at conference. IOS proceedings published later.
Every paper must have at least one author who has registered for the conference with payment by the Authors' Registration Deadline for the paper to be included in the programme.
All Delegates
Early Registration Deadline: 30 May 2014Conference Dates
Wednesday 9 July: Registration and Welcome Reception
Thursday 10 - Friday 11 July 2014 Conference Sessions
All deadlines provisional and subject to change